¿Eres propietario?
Si es usted una de esas personas que quiere sacarle rentabilidad a su segundo inmueble, si se ha planteado alquilarla y no sabe cuál es la mejor, más rentable y segura fórmula para hacerlo y si, además, no tiene tiempo o ni siquiera vive en Huelva, le proponemos simplemente que deposite en nosotros su confianza y le aseguramos que todo serán beneficios. Nuestros once años de experiencia en el sector nos avalan.
Esto es lo que proponemos, tanto si nos encarga la gestión de su inmueble como si no:
¡Alquile a universitarios!

Los más recientes
Pisos en alquiler para estudiantes y profesores
Gran piso de 3 habitaciones en Isla Chica – HH3203
Calle Beas, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21006, España- 3 Habitaciones
- Apartamento
Precioso piso de 3 habitaciones en La Merced – HH3195
Calle La Palma, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21002, España- 3 Habitaciones
- Apartamento
Great 3 Rooms Apt. in Calle Puerto – City Centre – HH3191
Calle Puerto, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21003, España- 3 Habitaciones
- Piso
Gran apartamento de 4 dormitorios. en Avenida Federico Mayo – Cerca de Hipercor – contratos individuales – HH4101
Avenida Federico Mayo, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21003, España- Habitación
Grande y luminoso piso de 4 habitaciones en Calle Juan Ramón Jiménez – HH4103
Calle Juan Ramón Jiménez, Huelva- 4 Habitaciones
- Habitación
- 4 Habitaciones
- Habitación
Conoce nuestros pisos destinado a estudiantes.
Si eres profesor, estas opciones son perfectas para tí.
Los más destacados
Gran piso de 3 habitaciones en Isla Chica – HH3203
Calle Beas, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21006, España- 3 Habitaciones
- Apartamento
Precioso piso de 3 habitaciones en La Merced – HH3195
Calle La Palma, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21002, España- 3 Habitaciones
- Apartamento
Great 3 Rooms Apt. in Calle Puerto – City Centre – HH3191
Calle Puerto, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21003, España- 3 Habitaciones
- Piso
Gran apartamento de 4 dormitorios. en Avenida Federico Mayo – Cerca de Hipercor – contratos individuales – HH4101
Avenida Federico Mayo, Huelva, Comarca Metropolitana de Huelva, Huelva, Andalucía, 21003, España- Habitación
Grande y luminoso piso de 4 habitaciones en Calle Juan Ramón Jiménez – HH4103
Calle Juan Ramón Jiménez, Huelva- 4 Habitaciones
- Habitación
- 4 Habitaciones
- Habitación
Noticias y curiosidades

Please use this form to report any faults or maintenance problems regarding your accommodation and we will inform the owner of your apartment as he/she will have to allow any repairs in the flat. Your request will be given a priority – see priority definitions below. The matter will be dealt with in-house wherever possible. A technician will be summoned if required. With all the information that you facilitate to us on this form and the opinion of the technician, we can assess who is responsible for repair and therefore pay the repair invoice.You will be kept informed of progress. Both the owners and tenants are responsible for some repairs to, and minor maintenance of, the living areas and communal living areas. In your rental contract, you can read which repairs are carried out by whom and have to be paid for.
WARNING: Urgent or Emergency issues related to maintenance should be raised with Housing Huelva by phone (+34 653433822). Requests for maintenance are only checked during office hours [Monday to Thursday (from 9:30h to 14:00h and from 16:00h to 19:00h) and Friday (from 09:30h to 14:30h)].
Other Urgent or Emergency issues should be referred by phone to the appropriate authorities:
All kind of emergencies: 112
Ambulance: 061
Police: 091
Guardia Civil: 062
Firefighters: 080 or 085
Priority Definitions.
Priority A – Emergency Repairs: These repairs are those which if unattended would cause a danger to health, a risk to the safety of the tenants or serious damage to the building. We aim to attend to these within 24 hours of becoming aware of the problem. Depending on the nature of the issue it may take longer to deal with.
Priority B – Urgent Repairs: Repairs which affect the comfort or convenience of the tenants. We aim to deal with these within five working days of becoming aware of the problem.
Priority C – Non Urgent day-to-day repairs: These are reactive repairs which do not fall into either of the above categories and which can wait a short while before they are dealt with. We aim to deal with these within twenty eight working days of becoming aware of the problem.
Priority D – Planned maintenance programme: These would be desirable improvements which would be considered in the programme of major work planned by the owners.